Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Coulter Wants Women to Lose the Vote

At least that's what she says here:
If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president. It's kind of a pipe dream, it's a personal fantasy of mine, but I don't think it's going to happen.
Of course, Coulter doesn't have two neurons to rub together. It's not as if she got famous because of her vast knowledge of policy, her astute insights, nor her agile pen. She got famous because conservative men will watch/read/follow any loud-mouthed conservative woman who can plausibly be called attractive, even in dim light...and I'm led to believe that they think Coulter qualifies there.
   This is, of course, part of the explanation for the success of Fox "News" as well. Having just spent two weeks with JQ's family--her dad is a big Faux News fan--it again struck me how many of the females on Fox look like they've been shot in the face with a make-up cannon...and some seem to have been made-up to look rather like dominatrix...uh..es? Dominatrices? Is there a plural of that word?
  Anyway, the world of conservative propaganda babes is a weird one indeed...
  And in closing...imagine that a prominent liberal talker had come out and advocated taking away the male vote so that Democrats could win elections. Imagine how that'd go over...


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