Thursday, March 08, 2012

Limbaugh: Liberals Responsible For Me Slandering Fluke

See, Limbaugh is actually a thoughtful, civil man. But he was driven over the edge by evil, irrational, uncivil liberals. See?

Limbaugh has done more to degrade the quality of our public political discussions than any other person I can think of. He's injected untold quantities of venom and irrationality into the public mind. He's weakened the foundation of trust, civility, and mutual respect that makes democracy possible. But, of course, evil people don't really act like they do in the comics. If they did, Limbaugh would rub his hands, throw his head back, and laugh maniacally. BWAHAHAHAHAH! YOU ARE DOOMED, AMERICA! DOOOOOMED!

But, no. Of course not. Rush pretends he's the good guy, pretends that he's somehow helping the country by poisoning the minds of the uninformed. And, of course, pretends that he is the victim here. Hell, he probably even half-believes that nonsense.



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