Thursday, September 29, 2011

The GOP Synthetic Riot That Helped Get Us The Worst Presidency In Modern Memory
Where Are They Now?

So here's a little article on the GOP douchebags who shoved and screamed at vote-counters in FL in 2000. See, they wanted to make sure that democracy didn't work, and to insure that the candidate they preferred "won."

These disgusting douchebags seem to have approximately the opposite view of the U.S. and democracy that I do. I passionately wanted the votes counted, in order to see who really won. I wanted Gore to win--in fact, I didn't realize how important it was for him to win until I saw how evil the Bush camp was during the recount debacle--but that was a distant second to my desire to see the will of the people carried out. It had become clear by this point that hand-counts were far more accurate than machine counts--and that everyone associated with voting machines, including the manufacturers--acknowledged that. However the Bush camp continued to propagate a cover story they knew to be false--that hand-counts were "subjective."

So, way to go, rioters! You subverted American democracy, and gave us one of the worst presidencies in American history--a presidency that divided us, drove us to one of the worst foreign policy disasters in our history, and wrecked the economy. But even if Bush had somehow, against all odds and evidence, turned out to be a good president, that wouldn't really matter much. The real point here is: you don't believe in democracy, and neither does your party.


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