Friday, September 11, 2009

Joe Wilson: Only America-Haters Think We Gave Bio-Chem Weapons to Iraq


Oh, man, this is really a jaw-dropper.

It's absolutely amazing that someone this ignorant can be in Congress.

But Wilson's ignorance aside, there's something really important and telling here. Though playing the you-hate-America card in such a case is indefensible, Wilson gets something important right here. Giving bio-chem weapons to Saddam is such an astonishingly criminal and evil act that it ought to provoke roughly such outburst...and anyone who didn' t know we did it ought to be furious and incredulous at the suggestion.

We did something genuinely horrific, and it is objectively rather difficult to believe that we would do such a thing...even given our rather uneven history on human rights.

One wonders, of course, whether Wilson ever bothered to look into the facts, and whether he was as outraged at the Reagan administration (including Rumsfeld)--which actually did it--as he was at his opponent who merely reported it.

What's amazing to me is that there is only a fairly minimal level of outrage in this nation about the fact that we gave horrific weapons to a psychopathic dictator--and, of course, nothing but excuses among our friends across he aisle.

But such are the fruits of conservative foreign policy "realism."


Blogger The Mystic said...

We need laws that make it illegal for someone to serve in politics after being so slanderously, vociferously, and maliciously wrong. It is amazing that people will still vote for someone so obviously idiotic.

I don't care if you're wrong, but if you say that someone's an America-hating traitor, you better damn well be sure you're right.

Allowing these people to continue throwing such overwhelmingly strong words around with such reckless disregard for truth is a big part of what's dragging down our political system. People have to be held accountable for this stuff. The public clearly can't be given that responsibility. We need a system to take care of this kind of thing.

11:52 AM  
Blogger Winston Smith said...

What I like is: Republicans support a brutal dictator, then, once they decide he's not useful anymore, your not only an America-hater for opposing military action to take him out, your also an America-hater if you point out that we supported him.

I'm sure I'm an America-hater for pointing this out...

12:06 PM  
Blogger The Mystic said...

Maybe not an America-hater, but definitely a grammar-hater.

2:03 PM  
Blogger Winston Smith said...



2:10 PM  

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