Thursday, November 20, 2008

False Equivalence

So, we had psychopathic, ungrounded, irrational anti-Clinton hysteria that began even before he was inaugurated.

Then we had Bush.

If anything, most liberals were way, way too easy on Bush. They should have been in the streets protesting his attempted coup in 2000, but weren't. It took them until the mendacious marketing of the Iraq war to really wake up to his awfulness. But, eventually, his relentless dishonesty, irrationality, extremism and incompetence generated a significant anti-Bush movement, both domestically and around the world.

Then Obama was elected, and again we get psychopathic, ungrounded, irrational hysteria.

The usual suspects on the right are, of course, trying to obscure the facts--opposition to Clinton and Obama is just good, hard politics (politics ain't beanbag!), though, opposition to Bush was "BDS."

Fortunately the more rational conservatives stopped drinking the Kool-aide for awhile during the election, and might not go back to doing so right away. Sensible people won't buy the bullshit...but it'll be annoying to have to hear it from the less-rational righties for the next eight years. The false equivalence is infuriating--justified, proporitonate anger about Bush is no better than irrational, hyperbolic anger at Clinton or Obama. Crazy, man.


Blogger Myca said...

I'm entirely in favor of good, hard politics, but that has to involve political disagreement and political argument.

Painting Obama as a Marxist Muslim terrorist who's also probably the antichrist is not political. It is, frankly, stupid.


7:59 PM  
Blogger lovable liberal said...

I would like to be optimistic about the Republican response to President Obama, but I'm not. The GOP caucus will take talk radio and run with it. Again. It worked before. Why wouldn't they use it again? Cable news will jump on, too, because bullshit scandal-mongering raises ratings, and that makes them money.

The Republican Party cares about nothing more than it cares about the power to write checks to its patrons. The country? They rationalize that the business of America is enriching the few.

What can we do? We have to attack their credibility, character, and personalities at every turn. Viciously and without remorse. They put one of ours in the hospital; we put one of theirs in the morgue. Michael Savage and Ann Coulter should generate boycotts. Media executives who allow them air time should suffer personally, and their wallet is a pain they'll feel.

The alternative: Small gains for four or eight years, followed by yet another despicable Republican.

I hope I'm wrong, but this country is filled with batshit insane wingnuts. Think I'm wrong? Go read newspaper on-line comments sections. We have to cut their umbilicus to hate radio and make them think for themselves. Because they can't.

Shit, I wish I could just enjoy this interregnum. Maybe I should have a drink or smoke some dope now that Massachusetts has decriminalized it.

12:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

READTHIS-Glenn Greenwald has a clue. “So many progressives were misled about what Obama is and what he believes. But it wasn’t Obama who misled them. It was their own desires, their eagerness to see what they wanted to see rather than what reality offered.” The end. That's all I was saying. And the guy who said What can we do? We have to attack their credibility, character, and personalities at every turn. Viciously and without remorse. They put one of ours in the hospital; we put one of theirs in the morgue. That's sicker and more psycho than all the right wingers in the world. Sick sick sick. Look in the mirror. You attack me but this useless idiot says stuff like that and you dont say anything. Disgusting. I'm glad Obama is electing Hilary Clinton. The end.

12:09 AM  
Blogger Winston Smith said...

Give it a rest, A. Nobody's buying your BS. You happily watch while the worst president of all time destroys the country, and then you whine ceaselessly about minor indications that Obama might possibly not be absolutely perfect!!!11. This kind of crap is one of the reasons why no one takes conservatives seriously anymore. Get a clue, man. It's folks like you that made folks like me stronger supporters of Clinton--and you're trying to do it again with Obama.

7:09 AM  
Blogger lovable liberal said...

As the resident SOB, I should provide a needed reference for those who don't understand or want to understand that the Republican Party is an amoral organization bordering on a RICO.

10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Clinton. Both Clintons. I'm glad Obama lied, no tax raises no surrendering in Iraq. The person who said We have to attack their credibility, character, and personalities at every turn. Viciously and without remorse. They put one of ours in the hospital; we put one of theirs in the morgue. Is worse than conservatives so don't give me that BS. You think everybody is stupid but they read yyor words right here even if you don't remember them. I don't have to say anything. Just keep talking.

2:37 AM  
Blogger lovable liberal said...

I don't have to say anything.

A consummation devoutly wish'd...

Their credibility, character, and personalities are bad and require exposure. Or have you been plucking the lint out of your navel for the whole of the last fifteen years?

1:41 PM  

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