Friday, June 27, 2008

Rove/GOP's Latest Anti-Obama Slur/Fabrication Test-Balloon

The GOP is (a) frantic and (b) well, the GOP. So I probably don't need to tell you that somewhere the Republican slander/libel workshop/think-tank is working overtime trying to fabricate some kind of slur about Obama that the public will find plausible. Now, of course, being slanderous, it'll be false. But--again of course--they won't care about that. What they want is some kind of smear that voters will buy. Truth is irrelevant. What they want is results. The way to get this, it seems, is to think up some animadversion that can plausibly be tacked onto some characteristic he actually has.

He's he's shallow!
He's he's naive!
He's he's unrealistic!

See how we play this game?

Kos has a--in my opinion, very partial--run-down of the slurs here.

KKKarl's new slander trial-balloon?

Wait for it...

Obama is...


Yes, the guy who took his Columbia B.A. and put off Harvard law school to do community organizing in Chicago is self-centered.

Thanks for playing, KKKarl! And thanks to the loons who are playing the home version of our game...

Jeez, if only Obama had used his powers as Darth Rove has, to selflessly promote ee-vil.

O.k., so this game should obviously have a name, and since I'm too lazy to think up a good one, let's call it the, er...Republican anti-Obama (ROVE, natch').

As Kos notes, they've already tried 'inexperienced,' 'elitist,' 'unAmerican,' and, now, 'self-centered.' So what's next? You make the call!

(Note: I saw today that Krauthammer--getting really desperate now--is saying that Obama is "ever- malleable," a "flip-flopper," an "opportunist" who might ultimately make the Clinton's look scrupulous. And--heavens!--Obama has begun his "long march to the center." Needless to say, that fills me with dread.

Chuck has never been the sharpest tool in the shed--nor, let's be honest, the most stable--and I reckon the recent Colorado and Michigan polls (not to mention the Wisconsin and Minnesota ones) must have hit him pretty hard.

But listen, Chucky boy: if you pull out all the stops now, what'll you have left for October? Think about that, hmmm?)

Anyway, some guesses about the next moves in ROVE:

(a) He's a pointy-headed intellectual!

I mean, he's just offensively smart, right? And that in and of itself is a sin.

(b) He's really just Bill Clinton redux!

Clinton loved the ladies, and the ladies love '...loves...' were transitive, and if we then confuse it with the identity relation...Obama would be Clinton! See?!?!? Clinton felt your pain, and...and...oh, whatever...he's BAD.

(c) He's black.

I mean, let's just cut to the chase, shall we?

(d) He wants our women!

see (b) and (c).

(e) He's thoughtful and reflective, hence indecisive!

(f) He's a Cylon.


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