Thursday, March 06, 2008

As The Probability Of Me Ever Voting For Clinton Approaches Zero...

I can't believe the nasty, irrational BS that's coming from the Clinton camp. The fearmongering, the BS about Michigan and Florida, (falsely) comparing the other Democratic candidate unfavorably to McCain...and that's not to mention her actual legislative screw-ups.

Here's a new one:
Obama is like Ken Starr. Why, you ask? Because the Obama camp pointed out that she ought to release those pesky tax returns. One of Clinton's toadies was on CNN yesterday spewing complete nonsense about this point, saying, essentially, that it was unfair to ask anybody to release their tax returns before April if we were talking about this year's returns. "Do you have your taxes done?" the toadie asked. "That's irrelevant" the other person says. "Do you have your taxes done?!?!" she demanded again. As Johnny Quest said, the very fact that they are treating us as if we were stupid enough to be fooled by this quasi-argument is infuriating.

The nastiness, the lies, the fearmongering, the semi-constant suggestion that they're willing to cheat to win the nomination...Jesus! As JQ just asked: how on Earth has a Democratic candidate, after seven years of Bush, managed to get us to think about voting Republican? Or, more likely, not voting at all.

If Clinton doesn't stop this bullshit right away, she's going to push me out of the I'll vote for her if I have to camp and into the ABC camp.

It's important to remember: before she got vicious, I was pretty much o.k. with her. But now I'm starting to think that I have a good guess where Karl Rove went when he quit the Bushies...

And now I see that the Clinton camp had the nads to claim that the Obama camp should be less negative.

I sat right down and sent Obama $100.


Blogger tehr0x0r said...

I did the same thing yesterday, this woman must be stopped, we need Obama to be the Democratic nominee so I don't have to vote for a Republican for President.

8:56 PM  
Blogger lovable liberal said...

The worst thing about the Clinton antics is that their very nastiness works to anger people and turn them off, which the Republicans and their pundit proxies have used for years to suppress turnout. I hope the voters have learned that this stuff is worse than useless and slap it down. I hope there's a backlash against it, but I'm not sure there will be.

The worst outcome would be a Pyrrhic Clinton victory that so alienates Obama's fresh appeal to previous hopeless non-voters that they stay home. No, I guess the worst would be if they cut off their nose to spite their face and vote for more Republican rule.

I have long experience holding my nose instead and voting for the lesser of two evils. If that choice comes again, I'll make it again. No matter how much McCain smiles and cajoles, he still paints us as unpatriotic. He still wouldn't put an end to war in Iraq, no matter how long it takes. He would still appoint more wingnut judges and consolidate the sclerotic judiciary for a generation. He would still beggar the next generation by making the Bushist tax cuts permanent, even though he voted against them. He would still try to privatize Social Security. He would still say that trial lawyers and organized labor are the special interests we should worry about. He would still look to the market to provide (i.e. not provide) universal health care. He would still act from the presumption that government is the source of our economic problems. He would still abjure a role for government in planning our way out of selling off pieces of America to pay for this week's luxuries. He would not restore the rule of law or Constitutional government.

At least he wouldn't be a dunce, and maybe he wouldn't be as much of a jerk as Clinton is being. Is that enough to good?

9:19 PM  
Blogger Winston Smith said...

Don't try to reason with me when my dander's up, LL...

9:34 PM  
Blogger Tom Van Dyke said...

Well, HRC didn't say it, an "aide" did.

Look for a mild retraction, but just enough to leave it out there for the anti-Ken Starr vote.

11:40 PM  
Blogger Tracie said...

This might be interesting to you all: it is basically mathematically impossible for Hillary to win.

Anyone want to go through and doublecheck this guy with the calculations? Because I didn't.

12:43 AM  
Blogger Winston Smith said...

That's what the informinati are saying, Tracie. I think that's why Clinton is now trying to get MI and FL back in play--without them, she's sunk.

9:19 AM  

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