Thursday, December 07, 2006

Dick "Scarface" Cheney

This is pretty damn funny. By which I mean kind of scary. But hilarious. Or should I say "f*cking hilarious"?

I've never understood the weird cult of Scarface. Maybe because I've never understood the heroification of villains.

But, this is funny. In that we're all going do die because we're so stupid kind of way.

[Big HT: Tom Van Dyke]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting, your comment on the Scarface cult. I live in a "rougher" part of Chicago. In my neighborhood there exists a bounty of urban-centered retail clothes and Scarface (with his "little friend") is an inescapable image.

1) I think the romance of the character appeals to Latinos. They sympathize with a cuban refugee who has to *ahem* bend the rules to make it big.

2) The less affluent sympathize with Scarface's original predicament: Poverty + no connections. Having been extremely poor myself, I know how tempting it becomes to disregard the law for the sake of survival.

3) Last, I think everyone enjoys seeing authority figures get the living shit beat out of them--no matter how it is done. It appeals to the rebelliousness in us all. Say what you will about Scarface; there is no denying the man takes the Po to school.

9:53 PM  
Blogger Winston Smith said...

Thanks for that info, A. Interesting.

I've never been really poor. I mean, I've been poor by Contemporary American Standards, no doubt about it, but where/when I came from, what's poor now was relative wealth. I've never gone hungry, that's for sure.

But anyway, so I can't relate to that I guess.

I love it when good guys stick it to The know, when Luke takes out D. Vader or whatever...but I've never been able to sympathize with the really vile, obviously evil anti-hero. It's kind of alarming to me that ANYBODY does.

Anyway, interesting info.

Weird, weird, weird.

10:04 AM  

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