Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Dole on CNN

(Note quotes below)
[That's supposed to say 'NOT quotes below'; i.e. it's just the gist.]

Blitzer reads a statement by Ted Kennedy saying that Bush is "dangerously incompetent" (the Dems' new mantra...a pretty accurate and rhetorically potent one, IMHO) and pointing out that more than 2,000 Americans have died in the war.

Dole: Well, what he forgets why we're there because over 3,000 Americans died on 9/11

Blitzer: What a minute, everybody agrees that there was no Iraq-9/11 link

Dole: (stares blankly for a second, apparently realizing that he's just inattentively said something stupid) Well, I don't know that everybody agrees...(obviously just trying to change the subject)...but anyway I'm a skeptic...I still think we'll find WMDs in Iraq...traces that show that he moved them.

Blitzer: But I just want to be clear on this: you don't think that Saddam was involved in 9/11.

Dole: (Regaining his senses) No.

This kind of thing will keep the Saddam-9/11 myth alive--people caught in a rhetorical bind, flailing about for something to say... To Dole's credit he backed out of it. But Blitzer had to call him on it twice before he did.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa, wait a minute! A politician said something stupid and got called on it? By the Press? That might just be a first in a very long time...

8:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A retired politician with no serious access left to grant.

3:35 AM  

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