Friday, March 24, 2006

"The Biggest Corruption Scandal In History"???
Or: Why Does Andrew Natsios Hate America So Much?

If you're like me, every now and then you'll start patting your pockets distractedly, thinking where the heck did I put that $250 million [er...that's BILLION, of course. Thanks, Rilkefan]? I mean, I know that we spent a lot of it killing people--some of whom deserved killing, and some of whom didn't--but what about the rest of it? What did the CPA do with all that cash? As far as I can tell from my extensive observations of the television from my couch, all that shit in Iraq is still broken. So where'd the money go?

Well, via Kevin Drum (here's his synopsis), we're directed to this Newsweek story about Andrew Natsios, development expert at USAID and life-long Republican, who explains what a cluster-fornication CPA rebuilding efforts were. This all might end up being--according to Transparency International (quoted by Drum)--"the biggest corruption scandal in history."

The suggestion is that what Republicans really fear from a Democratic takeover in Congress is not impeachment--but, rather, an actual investigation into the Iraq contracting debacle.


Blogger rilkefan said...

"where the heck did I put that $250 million?"

You missed three factors of ten. Plus probably a factor of four, or eight.

6:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anybody remember how that secular humanist Harry Truman led investigations into wartime profiteering during WWII, which was part of the reason that he was selected to be the VP in 1944?

Would that there were someone of that stature on the Republican side, like a McCain who actually was a straight talker ;>)

11:42 PM  

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