Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Bush and Katrina: Kevin Drum Explains It All For You

Drum says some reasonable things about what is and isn't Bush's fault re: Katrina.

Currently, it is the fact that is pissing me off the most about this whole thing is that the head of FEMA appears to be a demonstrably unqualified and incompetent political crony. That would be business as usual for this administration. I've tried to suspend judgment about this pending the reveleation of more information, but it's getting more and more difficult to do so. Given this administration's record up to this point, it seems less and less reasonable to continue giving them the benefit of the doubt.

My guess is that the Bush Defense System is currently working overtime on a way of making this out to be Clinton's fault...


Blogger matthew christman said...

Not Clinton: Gov. Blanco. Homeland Security flacks even went so far as to LIE to the Washington Post about when Blanco requested federal assistance. The Post issued a correction, but didn't point out that the mistake had been due to a lie told to them by a member of the administration.

7:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The incredible incompetence in the rescue efforts after the storm and flooding lie at Bush's door. He appointed cronies to head FEMA, and allowed FEMA to be gutted by Chertoff. Bush is proactively to blame, moreover--because among many other things he is allowing FEMA to solicit money for Pat Robertson, a proven shill and crook. This pathetic chorus of Republican "don't blame us" and "they're chronic Bush-haters" is drowned out by the floating bodies. It's really time for this crap to come to an end--back to reality! Impeach the mo'fo now.--Beel

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, as Josh Marshall points out today, Congress has just given FEMA some $50B to administer. Anyone notice that they can't administer squat? --Beel (oh the humanity...)

11:56 AM  

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